Thursday, January 17, 2008

howdy, y'all

Quick update from Austin, Texas, where we're all busy with pre-wedding stuff:

~It's great to be with Melissa and Liz. We had a trip down Quote Book Memory Lane yesterday afternoon, and already have several new entries, i.e. "Sally now comes with hair care products" (Melissa).
~The job interview went well as far as the person I was interviewing with said he thought I'd be a good person for the job, but the problem is that while it's a temporary position, they're hoping to extend it past the point where I'd be heading off for grad school. So it's possible but unlikely that I'll get it. Let's hear it for subbing!
~I'm breaking in my new shoes for the wedding today, having realized that that was smarter than waiting until Saturday. Ow...
~Texas trees are a lot shorter than Michigan ones. And a lot less stuff is built out of wood.

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