Wednesday, May 7, 2008

shrug your shoulders and beats the alternatives!

"Today was...interesting," I said to my mom on the phone tonight.

"Someone threw up?" she asked.

"Among other things," I answered. Apparently when you've worked in schools as long as she has, you just understand this stuff inherently.

So yes, I had a child throw up in class today (all over her Mother's Day card, which while it was unfortunate for the card, did make clean-up easier, as throwing away the card removed most of the mess). This was the same class where kids who had had indoor recess today at school still couldn't go outside due to rain so I had lots of antsy little boys, the electricity went off for a few seconds, and when it came back on, it set off the security alarm for the building, which the police had to come reset.

And did I mention that there was a parent in class today who had been concerned that her daughter was developmentally delayed and too young for the class and wanted to come observe? Of all the days to come... Fortunately, she seemed to be understanding about the chaos and see that in fact, her daughter was just fine. (She left right after the policeman...I don't know if her curiousity was satisfied or if she just couldn't take it anymore.)

Never a dull moment with this job.

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