Thursday, March 27, 2008

theology in the classroom

My best quote from subbing this week is sort of an inverse of last week's "churchy" comment, and comes from one of my Quiz Bowl kids, a freshman who is reminiscent of Oleh Yukhymets in several ways, not least being the ability to know what buttons to push to drive me crazy quickly.

I was subbing for a science class on Wednesday, when I had to get after the student in question for reading when he was supposed to be doing something else (yes, Pot, meet Kettle). I confiscated his book, and was reading my own book, when he complained that it wasn't fair that I got to read when he didn't.

"Your job is to do your review sheet," I said. "My job is to make sure that you do that."

"Our job," he said, "is to praise the Almighty."


And how could I argue with that?

Never a dull moment, subbing...


Anonymous said...

I love it!

Brandi said...

he really should get bonus points for his quick thinking :)