My fortune cookie last night said, "You will make many changes before settling down happily." Considering how much my life has changed since December, I'd like to know how many more changes I have to make. Can I count any of the previous ones retroactively? :) At least I know I'll settle down at some point.
For any readers who haven't heard, I moved to Ann Arbor this past weekend to teach ESL preschool for U of M (yeah, I now work for the "other school") for the summer. It's all happened pretty fast--I emailed them my interview last Sunday, got called for an interview on Monday, drove down to Ann Arbor to interview on Wednesday, got the job on Thursday, helped coach the LHS Quiz Bowl team at the state tournament Friday and Saturday (we didn't win either of our games, but I think the kids had fun), moved to Ann Arbor on Sunday, and started orientation for work yesterday. Whew!
I'm excited about the job (ESL! little kids! Cary! real pay checks! not subbing!), and I look forward to a summer in Ann Arbor. It's supposed to have the most bookstores per capita of any city in the US...
And now that I don't see as many people as often, I might start blogging again more regularly.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
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